So it is finally here – I have finally worked out the kinks to my video from the weekend. Now I’ll warn you the song wasn’t the original one (which I think fit better) but I wasn’t allowed to upload it with that song so I had to switch it on Youtube. But I think it still works.

Last Day of School EVER

As the title suggests – I just had my LAST day of classes EVER! And it feels so good – I’m so happy (even though I had to close at work again tonight which is really tiring, I’m still happy!)

Weather was pretty decent today, not as warm as it has been but also NO RAIN – which was a nice little change. I’ve been working on a video project for Style Segment (check there tomorrow!) and it took me forever. I seriously should put together an out-take reel of all the mess ups I’ve done while trying to create videos for my blogs. I’m getting better I think (though I’m kind of sick of hearing my own voice – can that happen?)

So just need to spice up my last paper, turn in some Practicum stuff and then do one final next Wednesday and I will be FINISHED WITH COLLEGE. Then next Saturday you will see me graduating! Woo! Then onto the real job 🙂


Summer, Summer, Summertime!

Like the song (and the title) says – it’s almost Summertime! That means school is going to be let out and for some of us (like me!) that means graduation. But everyone is looking forward to something with the year almost to an end and I captured a small portion of Point Park University’s student body telling me what they are waiting for:

** This video was done for a Social Media class project where we had to create, edit and publicize the video through social media outlets.


The Video Realm

I decided to take a step into the video realm personally this time. I know I’ve posted homemade videos before but never of myself – that is about to change shortly. Remember I’m still new at this and I was winging it…


Check me out on Tumblr!

Who you finna try?

Here is another video that one of my sisters shared with me today.



Check me out on Tumblr!