So it is finally here – I have finally worked out the kinks to my video from the weekend. Now I’ll warn you the song wasn’t the original one (which I think fit better) but I wasn’t allowed to upload it with that song so I had to switch it on Youtube. But I think it still works.

A Little FADEDfest 2011

This past weekend had to have been one of the best in a loooooong time. Faded Industry really shelled out the entertainment by putting on their 5th Annual FADEDfest! This year it was up and down East Carson St. in South Side – and I think it was the best location for it. There was about 5 different venues that all ages could get into, but then there was also a ton of different discounts available at stores and restaurants down in South Side throughout the day as well!

Common Wealth Family, Diesel Club Lounge

Common Wealth Family

My favorite acts were obviously the rap/hip hop groups but my friends’ were the rock bands. I’m not much for the loud screaming type but there was a group at District 3 that was more mainstream rock that was awesome.

Rock Band at District 3

If I had to pick the best performance it would obviously be Common Wealth Family at Diesel Club Lounge. I’ve listened to their music for some time now but never got to see them perform live – they didn’t disappoint. Most of my shots are from there.

These guys were from Ohio, Levelz Sports Lounge

There was another rap /hip hop group (sorry I dont remember the name) from Ohio who performed at Levelz, they were pretty good. They re-invented the song “Make it Rain” by Travis Porter into “I don’t make it rain.” Was pretty funny – Danielle and I had some laughs and comments about that one.

My girls over in the 21+ section, District 3

Me stuck in the minors' section (I had a friend under 21 with me that I kicked it with)

Holeva and his bike - he had some awesome wheels, wouldn't you say?

I had a crazy time and I’m so happy I was able to go. See you there next year!